The Interregnum process is when you remove yourself from society to unpick the stitches from all the trials and tribulations you have experienced. The one thing that separates The Renaissance Sanctuary from anywhere else is the groundbreaking, progressive, innovative, and profound work with ‘the mind’. Since the inception of modern-day psychotherapy, we have only been able to offer coping mechanisms, techniques, or pharmaceutical drugs to combat most of the Western world’s modern-day health issues.

All of these things start and end with THE MIND! If you can conquer the mind, you are on your way to live an extremely happy, fulfilled, and content life. Fears, addictions, mental health illnesses, fatigue, and limiting beliefs can soon be a thing of the past.

Please watch the video below, which explains how the Interregnum Process works. Feel free to make notes as you go, and I will happily answer any questions when we speak shortly after.

Kind regards

Oli x

Metanoia Documentary